theatre of war造句

"theatre of war"是什么意思   


  1. General richards says he is one of the few commanders ever to be sent into a theatre of war without a proper reserve
  2. In yet another strategic sleight of hand , the british sent a lowly captain , who bore a strong resemblance to montgomery , on a tour of the mediterranean theatre of war
  3. In this letter prince andrey pointed out to his father the inconvenience of his position close to the theatre of war , and in the direct line of the enemys advance , and advised him to move to moscow
  4. On all sides could be heard curses upon the enemy of the human race , bonaparte ; in the villages there were levies of recruits and reserve men , and from the theatre of war came news of the most conflicting kind , false as usual , and hence variously interpreted
  5. On the russian side , the reason that so much has been made of berezina was simply that at petersburg , far away from the theatre of war , a plan had been devised again by pfuhl of all people for catching napoleon in a strategic snare on the banks of the berezina
  6. It's difficult to find theatre of war in a sentence. 用theatre of war造句挺难的
  7. No two anti - personnel landmines have the same destructive characteristics and also in the theatre of war , infantrymen or civilians who step on an anti - personnel landmine may not experience the impact on the boot or themselves the same way as in the controlled conditions in a test protocol


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